Legal mentions

Version française – Mentions légales

You are presently on the website:


Website editor

EURL Les Voyageurs
3, Place de la République , 19320 Saint Martin la Méanne
05 55 29 11 53 – 06 86 64 51 67

EURL with a capital of 20 000 €
SIRET : 842 871 006 00016
Code APE : 5520Z
Intracommunity VAT : FR55 842 871 006


Publishing director



Web host

SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France



Guillaume BORDAS
SIRET 819 809 872 00016
Code APE 7420Z


Copyright – Trademark

French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property apply to the entire site. All elements ( information, data, photos etc.) present on this site are exclusive ownership of EURL Les Voyageurs and are protected by the dispositions of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Under the French Code of Intellectual Property, and more generally of international treaties and agreements including dispositions related to copyright, the user bans the reproduction, in whatever form, of protected material by copyright which is present on this site without the specific and prior written authorization of EURL Les Voyageurs.

The violation of these dispositions submits any offender and other person responsible to criminal and civil penalties provided by the French legislation.


Personal data

The user is informed that collected information is strictly confidential and is intended for the exclusive use of EURL Les Voyageurs.

In accordance with the law on Computing and Freedom of January 6, 1978 amended by the law of August 6, 2004 (articles 38 to 43 of the Law number 78-17 of January 6, 1978 related to “informatique, fichiers et libertés”, you can exercise your right of access to information, and if appropriate, your right of correction or deletion of data relating to you. To do so, send an e-mail to or a letter to “Les Voyageurs”, 3, place de la république, 19320 Saint-Martin la Méanne.

For any information concerning the protection of personal data, you can browse the website of the Commission of Computing and Freedom.


Using conditions of the website

By accessing this site, the user agrees to comply with the terms and conditions as outlined in this notice, to know rules and uses, capacities and technical performances and to use hardware and software necessary for Internet browsing. The user agrees not to use any information accessible through this site for any illicit, non-compliant and/or unauthorised purposes. The user is the only person responsible of using accessible information via this site the company reserves the right to modify any time, in particular when updating the site. The company reserves the right to suppress or modify on its own right, any site functionality without notice nor compensation. The user agrees to respect Internet usage and the current regulations and not to disclose any illegal information via this site.

The user is the only person responsible for the identity and the information he or she provides. Any data transmitted or accessed from an electronic address belonging to the user is deemed to have been carried out at the user’s initiative. The company assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of proposed information by referenced websites.

Users are responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software installed on their computer equipment against any damage. EURL Les Voyageurs declines any responsibility of encountered difficulties when accessing its website or for any breakdown in communication.



Users of this site agree that access is subject to and use of this site, the following conditions and other applicable laws.

In particular, internet users agree that all elements which compose it are legally protected and the internet user is prohibited from extracting, re-using, storing, reproducing, representing or converting directly or indirectly, on any support, by any means and under whatever form, all or part of this website.